[Aledra's Aesthetics, essay by Boris Petrović.]
[Bio / Work]
[Ceramic - Body Shoes]
[Concrete - Primordial Shoes and a Ring]
[Drawing - Artificial Landscapes]
[Latex - Frutos]
[HUM, CREAMY! - Between Sculpture and Painting]
[HUM, CREAMY! PHOTOS - My Strawberry Obsession]
[Painting - Figurative Abstraction]
[Photos - Serie Partilha]
[Polymeric Clay Bustle]
[Polymeric Clay Rings]
[Polymeric Clay Shoes]
[REGALO - Between the Figurative and the Abstract]
[Textile - Feminine Built]
[Polymeric Clay Bustle]
Bustle, oil on polymeric clay, 17.5 x 16 cm, 2023.
Bustle, oil on polymeric clay, 17.5 x 16 cm, 2023.
Bustle, oil on polymeric clay, 17.5 x 16 cm, 2023.
Bustle, oil on polymeric clay, 17.5 x 16 cm, 2023.